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Experience the 7 Types of Rest and Eliminate the Question: ‘Why am I tired all the time?’

I took a day off, actively rested and here is why you should do it too. 👇

I jumped on a plane with 2 friends, met the third one in Niš, Serbia where we spent the long weekend together!

We did phenomenal activities including standing in a very special energy circle in Rtanj and, only so many things could be experienced in 2.5 days yet,





I know how.

I know why.

And I invite you to know and to do something more about it for yourself!

In her amazing TEDxAtlanta Talk "The real reason why we are tired and what to do about it" Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith walks us through why we need a rest revolution!

And I believe her.

After experiencing it all in only 2 days, I believe it is possible to integrate these routines to our personal and professional lives to perform better!

Please watch her talk HERE.

Here is a short summary:

Rest should equal restoration in 7 key areas of your life.

1- The first type of rest we need is physical rest, which can be passive or active. Passive physical rest includes sleeping and napping, while active physical rest means restorative activities such as yoga, stretching and massage therapy that help improve the body’s circulation and flexibility.

2- The second type of rest is mental rest.

Schedule short breaks to occur every two hours throughout your workday; these breaks can remind you to slow down.

3- The third type of rest we need is sensory rest. Bright lights, computer screens, background noise and multiple conversations can cause our senses to feel overwhelmed. This can be countered by doing something as simple as closing your eyes for a minute in the middle of the day.

4- The fourth type of rest is creative rest. This type of rest is especially important for anyone who must solve problems or brainstorm new ideas.

Turn your workspace into a place of inspiration by displaying images of places you love and works of art that speak to you.

5- When you require emotional rest, that means having the time and space to freely express your feelings and cut back on people pleasing. Emotional rest also requires the courage to be authentic.

6- If you’re in need of emotional rest, you probably have a social rest deficit too. To experience more social rest, surround yourself with positive and supportive people.

7- The final type of rest is spiritual rest, which is the ability to connect beyond the physical and mental and feel a deep sense of belonging, love, acceptance and purpose. To receive this, engage in something greater than yourself and add prayer, meditation or community involvement to your daily routine.

When was the last time you had 2 or more of them simultaneously?

When can be your next opportunity?

Wishing you a restful productive work week ahead! 😊




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